Electric vehicles offer many attractive benefits. For starters, they positively impact the environment because they are powered by batteries and electric motors instead of engines. This, in turn, means that they emit few to no carbon emissions. These cars are usually easier to maintain because you won’t need regular oil changes. However, you’ll still need tire rotations, battery inspections, etc.
Because fully electric cars don’t have engines, they don’t need gas! Instead, you can charge the battery the same way you would with a smartphone, laptop, or another electronic device. You’ll receive a Level I charger that can be plugged into a standard 120-volt outlet. For faster charging speeds, consider a Level II charger, which will require professional installation.
Those with range anxiety will be happy to know that public charging infrastructure is growing daily. So if you’re planning a long trip requiring you to charge your EV at different points, you should be able to find some on your route.